Apr 2023-Mar 2024

Math-Fi seminar on 30 Nov.

2023.11.24 Fri up
  • Date: 30 Nov. (Thu.)
  • Place: W.W. 6th-floor, Colloquium Room and on the Web (Zoom)
  • Time: 16:30 – 18:00
  • Speaker: Andrea Macrina (University College London)
  • Title: Filtered Arcade Martingales: An Alternative Approach to Martingale Optimal Transport?
  • Abstract:
Arcade processes are a class of continuous stochastic processes that interpolate in a strong sense between zeros at fixed pre-specified times. Their additive randomization allows one to match any finite sequence of target random variables, indexed by the given fixed dates, on the whole probability space. The filtrations generated by such processes are utilized to construct a class of martingales which interpolate between the given target random variables. These so-called filtered arcade martingales (FAMs) are almost-sure solutions to the martingale interpolation problem and reveal an underlying stochastic filtering structure. In the special case of conditionally Markov randomized arcade processes, the dynamics of FAMs are informed through Bayesian updating. FAMs can be connected to martingale optimal transport (MOT) by considering optimally coupled target random variables. Moreover, FAMs allow to formulate an information-based martingale optimal transport problem, which enables the introduction of noise in MOT, in a similar fashion to how Schrödinger’s problem introduces noise in optimal transport. This information-based transport problem is concerned with selecting an optimal martingale coupling for the target random variables under the influence of the noise that is generated by an arcade process. 

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