

2019.10.23 Wed up
会場: 立命館大学 びわこ・くさつキャンパス ウェストウィング6階 談話会室
講演者: Olga Lukina氏(ウィーン大学)

Talk 1

日時: 11月25日(月) 16:20-17:50
タイトル: Introduction to group actions on Cantor sets
アブストラクト: In this talk, we consider basic tools and properties which we use in the subsequent talks to study minimal equicontinuous group actions on Cantor sets. The tools include chains of finite index subgroups. An important property is the local quasi-analyticity of an action, introduced by Alvarez Lopez and Candel. We illustrate the concepts and methods using examples.

Talk 2

日時: 11月28日(木) 10:40-12:10
タイトル: Invariants of Cantor group actions
アブストラクト: In this talk, we consider two direct limit invariants which can be associated to a Cantor group action, introduced in a recent joint work with Steve Hurder, and the corresponding classification of Cantor group actions. It is recommended that the participants attend Talk 1 as a preparation for this talk.
