
Math-Fi seminar on 30 Jan.

2025.01.29 Wed up
  • Date: 30 Jan. (Thu.) 
  • Place: West Wing, 6th floor, Colloquium Room and on the Web (zoom)
  • Time: 16:30–18:30
  • Speaker: 大坪 立サミュエル (滋賀県工業技術総合センター)
  • Title: 動的システムに対する仮説検定の為の制御則に関する検討
  • Abstract: 
本発表では,1 次元動的線形システムを特徴づけるパラメータに関する仮説検定問題を検

Math-Fi seminar on 23 Jan.

2025.01.22 Wed up
  • Date : 23 Jan. (Thu.) 
  • Place: West Wing, 6th floor, Colloquium Room and on the Web (zoom)
  • Time : 16:30 – 18:45 
  • Speaker 1: Ryoji Takano (Osaka University) 16:30 –17:30
  • Title:On Some new integration by parts formula for finance and their Monte Carlo simulation
  • Abstract:
A rough volatility model is a stochastic volatility model for an asset price process with volatility being rough, meaning that the H\”{o}lder regularity of the volatility path is less than half. In this talk, we will focus on the asymptotic behavior of the implied volatility for the short maturity and show that the short-time large deviation principle for rough volatility models characterize the asymptotic behavior of the implied volatility.
  • Speaker 2:Yushi Hamaguchi (Kyoto University) 17:45 –18:45
  • Title: A generalized coupling approach for the weak approximation of stochastic functional differential equations
  • Abstract:
In this talk, we study functional type weak approximation of weak solutions of stochastic functional differential equations by means of the Euler–Maruyama scheme. Under mild assumptions on the coefficients, we provide a quantitative error estimate for the weak approximation in terms of the Lévy–Prokhorov metric of probability laws on the path space. The weak error estimate obtained in this paper is sharp in the topological and quantitative senses in some special cases. We apply our main result to ten concrete examples appearing in a wide range of science and obtain a weak error estimate for each model. The proof of the main result is based on the so-called generalized coupling of probability measures. This talk is based on a joint work with Dai Taguchi (Kansai University). The preprint is available at arXiv:2412.18523.


2025.01.15 Wed up
日時:2025年1月27日(月)16:30 — 17:30
会場:立命館大学びわこ・くさつキャンパス ウェストウィング6階談話会室 および Zoomミーティング
講演者:兒玉 悠弥氏 (鹿児島大学)
タイトル:Finiteness property of the n-adic Lodha–Moore group and its applications

立命館大学びわこ・くさつキャンパス ウェストウィング6階談話会室での講演をZoomミーティングで配信する予定です.オンライン参加のためには以下のフォームよりご登録ください.
<a href=”https://ritsumei-ac-jp.zoom.us/meeting/register/pvX5pMkaRiOBXn6btJpC6Q”>https://ritsumei-ac-jp.zoom.us/meeting/register/pvX5pMkaRiOBXn6btJpC6Q<a/>

Math-Fi seminar on 16 Jan. (Co-organized as a Quantum Walk Seminar)

2025.01.10 Fri up
  • 日時 :2025年1月16日(木)18:00 〜 19:30
  • 場所 :立命館大学BKCウエストウイング6階数理科学科談話会室&ZOOM
  • 講演者 :  横山啓一 先生(日本原子力研究開発機構
  • 講演題目: 「量子ウォークを利用した同位体分離法の研究ーー社会実装へ向けた技術上の問題点と現状について
  • 講演要旨:

Math-Fi seminar on 9 Jan.

2025.01.09 Thu up
日時: 2025年1月9日 (木) 18:00–19:30

場所: West Wing, 6th floor, Colloquium Room and on the Web (zoom)

講演者: Taiho Wang (CUNY Baruch College) 

講演題目Executions in competition under Erlang kernel

We consider  the problem of multiple order executions in competition as differential games and investigate their associated equilibria in two regimes: Stackelberg and Nash games. Price impact during execution comprises of the components of permanent, transient with delay kernel of Erlang type, and temporary or slippage impacts. The Erlang type kernel provides the flexibility of specifying a maximal impact from the lagged past tradings as opposed to sheer decaying kernels such as exponential or power law. The resulting price impact model remains Markovian in an extended, but finite dimensional, state space. Dynamic programming principle is thus applicable and equilibria in the two differential games are obtained subject to solving systems of Riccati equations. Numerical experiments are conducted for illustration of the theoretical results. The talk is based on a joint work with Michele Aleandri and Marina Di Giacinto.


2025.01.09 Thu up
講演者:Trung Hoa Dinh (Troy University, Associated professor)
講演タイトル:Quantum divergences and bacycenters of positive definite matrices  
In this talk, we review recent results on quantum divergences and explore related questions. Specifically, we examine the least squares problem with respect to various divergences, which introduces the concept of the barycenter of positive definite matrices. 


2024.12.28 Sat up
日にち:2025年1月17日(金)16:30 – 17:30
会場:立命館大学びわこ・くさつキャンパス ウェストウィング6階談話会室およびZoomミーティング
講演者:数川大輔氏 (九州大学)

タイトル: ユークリッド空間上の高次元分布の測度距離空間としての収束について


野澤 啓 hnozawa [at] fc.ritsumei.ac.jp

Math-Fi seminar on 19 Dec. (Ritsumeikan mini symposium on Quantum walk and related fields)

2024.12.19 Thu up
日時 :2024年12月19日(木)14:00 〜 18:10

場所 :立命館大学BKCウエストウイング6階数理科学科談話会室&ZOOM

講演者1 : SanThosh Kumar Pamula (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Mohali) 14:00-14:30

講演題目: Choi’s decomposition theorem for completely positive maps

講演要旨:  In this talk we recall a few notions like inductive limit and projective limit of locally convex spaces and see that every locally C∗-algebra is a projective limit of family of associated quotient C∗-algebras. We present a suitable approach to define the character space of commutative unital locally C∗-algebra via the notion of inductive limit of topological spaces. We prove that every commutative unital locally C∗-algebra A can be identified (through a Gelfand type representation) with the class of continuous functions defined on its character space of A . We call the spectrum of a locally bounded operator as a “local spectrum”, give a new notion of a locally C∗-algebra generated by a fixed locally bounded normal operator T and show that its character space is homeomorphic to the local spectrum of T. Finally, functional calculus and spectral mapping theorem will be discussed in this context.

講演者2 : Chaitanya J. Kulkarni (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Mohali) 14:30-15:00

講演題目: Stinespring dilation theorem

講演要旨: In this talk, we will explore Stinespring’s dilation theorem for completely positive maps. This foundational result provides a characterization of completely positive maps from a C∗-algebra A into the bounded operators on a Hilbert space H denoted by B(H). The theorem demonstrates that such maps can be studied using a ∗-homomorphism from A into B(K) for some other Hilbert space K. We will outline a proof of this theorem and discuss remarks and implications for specific classes of completely positive maps.

講演者3 : 石和田瞳 (立命館大学) 15:00-15:30

講演題目: Excursions of quantum walks

講演要旨: We will introduce the notions of hitting time, sojourn time, and excursion of quantum walks on the real line, aiming to obtain results analogue to the classical cases.

講演者4 : 穂坂大将(横浜国立大学)15:40-16:10

講演題目: 空間的な摂動を与えた量子ウォークの挙動について


講演者5 : 関藤寛人(横浜国立大学)16:10-16:40

講演題目: TBA

講演要旨: TBA

講演者6 : 山上智輝 (東京大学) 16:50-17:30
講演題目: 量子ウォーク探索によるグラフ上の最適腕識別
講演要旨: ある環境に与えられた複数のスロットマシン(腕)の中から,より素早く最も報酬期待値の高い腕を特定する最適腕識別という問題を,量子振幅増幅を用いて解くアルゴリズムが先行研究で提案されている。本講演では,量子ウォークを用いてこのアルゴリズムを拡張することで,環境が空間構造を持つ,即ち腕がグラフ上に配置されている場合における最適腕識別の手法を提案する。

講演者7 : 関元樹(北海道大学) 17:30-18:10

講演題目: 2次元2状態量子ウォークの弱収束定理

講演要旨:  量子ウォークはランダムウォークの量子版と呼ばれる数理モデルである。量子ウォークの最も大きな話題の1つとして弱収束定理がある。これまで,1次元の量子ウォークの弱収束定理は一様な場合と,非一様な場合の双方において研究されており,その多くの極限分布には今野関数と呼ばれる初期状態に依存しない特有な関数があらわれる。


2024.12.11 Wed up
: 2024年12月13日(金)18:00~19:00
: Thermodynamics of Lie groups
: Jérémie Pierard de Maujouy 氏(Institut Denis Poisson, Université de Tours)
Although the laws of thermodynamic appear very different from the law of mechanics
, the behaviour of a thermodynamic system is determined by the behaviour of its microscopic components, which follow the laws of mechanics. This approach to thermodynamics is called statistical mechanics.
In Structure of Dynamical Systems, Souriau associates to a mechanical system a differentiable manifold describing states of thermodynamic equilibrium of the corresponding statistical mechanical system. The mechanical system is modelled by a Hamiltonian manifold and the equilibrium states by a statistical manifold. In this construction, the temperature acquires a geometrical character and appears as a component of a vector called generalised temperature. We will introduce this little-known construction and illustrate it with various examples coming from geometry and physics.
開催方法: 立命館大学びわこ・くさつキャンパス,ウェストウィング7階数学第1研究室での対面開催.講演の模様をZoomミーティングで配信する予定です.オンライン参加を希望の方は以下の申込フォームよりお申し込みください:
ご登録いただいた電子メールアドレスに,Zoom ミーティングのURL 等をお知らせいたします.

Math-Fi seminar on 12 Dec.

2024.12.11 Wed up
Date: 12 December (Thu)

Place: West Wing, 6th floor, Colloquium Room and on the Web (zoom)

Time: 16:30–18:00 

Speaker : Jorge Ignacio González Cázares (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)

Title: Markov Chain Monte Carlo: how and why?Ⅲ

Abstract: We will review classical and widely used Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. We will begin by reviewing Markov Chain theory and posing the MCMC problem. We motivate the problem from the point of view of stochastic optimisation problems arising in statistics and machine learning. We introduce Metropolis Hastings and Gibbs samplers and show its simplicity using code. We will also hint at its connections with the popular SGD algorithm.