
シンポジウム (2024年4月2日~5日)

2024.03.21 Thu up
”8th Ritsumeikan-Monash Symposium on Probability and Related Fields”
日時:2024年4月2日(火)~ 2024年4月5日
場所:立命館大学びわこくさつキャンパス ウエストウイング6階 談話会室

Poisson geometry and related topics 23

2023.11.24 Fri up
Poisson geometry and related topics 23
開催会場:立命館大学びわこ・くさつキャンパス ウェストウィング6階談話会室

講演者: Laszlo Feher (Szeged University) , Camille Laurent-Gengoux (Lorraine University), Naoyuki Kanomata (Tokyo University of Science), Hsuan-Yi Liao (National Tsing Hua University), Satoru Odake (Shinshu University), Ryo Hayami (Nagoya University), Naoyuki Kanomata (Tokyo University of Science), Ryo Matsuda (Kyoto University), Kevin Morand (Sogang University), Taika Okuda (Tokyo University of Science), Shuhei Yonehara (Osaka University)
世話人:池田憲明(立命館大学)、佐古彰史(東京理科大学)、 多羅間大輔(立命館大学)、廣田祐士(麻布大学)

問合せ先:池田憲明 nikeda[at]se.ritsumei.ac.jp

ワークショップ (2023年11月4日~5日)

2023.10.16 Mon up
”Ritsumeikan Workshop on Stochastic Analysis”
日時:2023年11月4日(土)~ 2023年11月5日
場所:立命館大学びわこくさつキャンパス ウエストウイング6階 談話会室

International workshop “Foliated spaces, Tilings, Group actions 2022″(2022年12月17日(土),18日(日))

2022.11.23 Wed up
  • Date: 17th and 18th December, 2022
  • Place: Zoom meeting and Room R101 in Rarcadia (17th Dec.), Room F205 in Forest House (18th Dec.) Biwako-Kusatsu Campus, Ritsumeikan University Campus map.
  • Registration for on-site participation: Please fill this form. The deadiline is 12th December.
  • Registration for online participation: Please fill this form. The deadline is 15th December.
  • The website of the workshop is here
Please contact hnozawa(at)fc.ritsumei.ac.jp (replace (at) with @) if you have any problem.

2022年12月16日(金) — 18日(日) ワークショップ

2022.08.22 Mon up
Workshop “2022 Japan-China International Conference on matrix theory with applications”

Date : December 16 (Friday)  – December 18 (Sunday), 2022

Place: Colloquium Room, West Wing Building 6F 
 Biwako Kusatsu Campus, Ritsumeikan University
 Kusatsu City, Shiga, Japan
 No. 9 Building in <http://www.ritsumei.ac.jp/campusmap/bkc/> 

Holding form : Hybrid format
Chinese side will give a lecture only online
Please click the registration bar below to register the workshop
Note that the deadline of the registration is 15 December, 2022

Speakers :
—Plenary talks—
  • Etsuo Segawa (Yokohama National University)
  • Lee Jaeha (University of Tokyo)
  • Michael Ng  (University of Hong Kong)
  • Qing-Wen Wang (Shanghai University)
—General Talks—
  • Michiya Mori(University of Tokyo) 
  • Shiho Oi (Niigata University)
  • Tomohiro Hayase (Cluster inc.)
  • Yoichi Udagawa (Ritsumeikan University)
  • Toshikazu Abe (Ibaraki University)
  • Ryo Takakura (Kyoto University)
  • Zhi-Gang Jia (Jiangsu Normal University)
  • Tie-Xiang Li (Southeast University)
  • Kan He (Taiyuan University of Technology)
  • Xiaomin Pan (Shanghai University)
  • Jianzhou Liu (Xiangtan University)
  • Bing Zheng (Lanzhou University)
  • Guang-Jing Song (Weifang University)
  • Jinchuan Hou (Taiyuan University of Technology)

Local organizing Committee :
  • Hiroyuki Osaka (Ritsumeikan University)
  • Yoichi Udagawa (Ritsumeikan University)
  • Masaru Nagisa (Ritsumeikan University)

Scientific Organizing Committee :
  • Zhuo-Heng He (Shanghai University)
  • Takaaki Yamazaki (Toyo University)
  • Yuki Seo (Osaka Education University)
  • Hiromichi Ohno (Shinshu University)
  • Gen Kimura (Shibaura Institute of Technology)
  • Qing-Wen Wang (Shanghai University) 
  • Xue-Feng Duan (Guilin University of Electronic Science and Technology)

Sponsar by 
  • Department of Mathematical Sciences, Ritsumeikan University, Japan
  • JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP20K03644
  • International Research Center for Tensor and Matrix Theory (IRCTMT), Shanghai University, China.
  • Guilin University of Electronic Technology , Guilin, China.

Mini-symposium on Stochastic Geometric Mechanics (28/10/2021)

2021.10.15 Fri up
<< Mini-symposium on Stochastic Geometric Mechanics >>
日時: 2021年10月28日(木)16:30~19:00

タイトル: A stochastic variational principle for the compressible Navier-Stokes equation
講演者: Tudor S. Ratiu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

タイトル: The Schrödinger problem in space-time domains
講演者: Ana Bela Cruzeiro (Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon)



問い合わせ先:立命館大学理工学部数理科学科 多羅間 大輔

研究集会 Foliated spaces, tilings and group actions

2021.03.17 Wed up

This conference aims to share new ideas on foliated spaces, tilings, group actions and their interrelations. This conference is supported by JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 20K03620.

Date and Place

  • Date: 16th and 17th April, 2021
    9:00-12:20 (British Standard Time),
    10:00-13:20 (Central European Time),
    17:00-21:20 (Japan Standard Time)
  • Place: Zoom meeting
  • Registration: Please make registration through this form to join this conference. (Deadline : 14th April)



  • Jesús Álvarez López   (Santiago de Compostela University)
  • Ramón Barral Lijó   (Ritsumeikan University)
  • Alex Clark   (Queen Mary University of London)
  • John Hunton   (Durham University)
  • Olga Lukina   (Vienna University)
  • Yasushi Nagai   (Open University)
  • John Parker   (Durham University)
  • James Walton   (Nottingham University)




If you have any question, please contact Hiraku Nozawa hnozawa at fc.ritsumei.ac.jp (replace (at) with @).

International workshop on Geometry of Foliated Spaces

2019.10.24 Thu up
日時: 2019年11月29日(金)13:30~12月1日(日)12:00
会場: 立命館大学 びわこ・くさつキャンパス ウェストウィング6階 談話会室 キャンパスへのアクセス キャンパスマップ キャンパスマップ(pdfファイル)
住所: 滋賀県草津市野路東1-1-1


13:30-14:20 Hitoshi Moriyoshi (Nagoya Univ.)
Geometry on the space of equi-centro-affine curves

14:40-15:30 Ramón Barral Lijó (Ritsumeikan Univ.)
Distinguishing colorings

15:50-16:40 Jesús Antonio Álvarez López  (Univ. of Santiago de Compostela)
Haefliger’s cohomology and tautness for matchbox manifolds

17:00-17:30 Subaru Nomoto (Ritsumeikan Univ.)
Some hierarchy in frames on curves on 4-dimensional Euclidean space

19:00- 懇親会 於 いさり火 庵

9:00-9:50 Ryuma Orita (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.)
Rigid fibers of spinning tops

10:10-11:00 Olga Lukina  (Univ. of Vienna)
Cantor actions and Galois groups

11:20-12:10 Ramón Barral Lijó  (Ritsumeikan Univ.)
Breaking symmetry

14:30-15:20 Naoki Kato (Chukyo Univ.)
Turbulizations of transversely affine foliations of codimension two

15:40-16:30 Noboru Ito (Univ. of Tokyo)
A categorified Vassiliev skein relation on Khovanov homology

16:50-17:20 Norihisa Takahashi (Ritsumeikan Univ.)
Dehn twist presentations of hyperelliptic periodic maps

9:00-9:50 Olga Lukina  (Univ. of Vienna)
Stabilizers of points for Cantor group actions

10:00-10:50 Tetsuya Abe (Ritsumeikan Univ.)
On annulus presentations of knots

11:10-12:00 Jesús Antonio Álvarez López  (Univ. of Santiago de Compostela)
A distributional trace formula for foliated flows

※ プログラムは変更されることがありますのであらかじめご了承ください。

連絡先:野澤 啓(立命館大理工)

Nov. 29: Program changed.
Oct. 24: Page created. First-announcement.

Hitoshi Moriyoshi (Nagoya Univ.)

Title: Geometry on the space of equi-centro-affine curves

Abstract: A curve \(c\) on the Euclidean plane is called equi-centro-affine if it satisfies \(\mathrm{det} (c c’)=1\). The space of all equi-centro-affine curves on plane turns out to be a manifold of infinite dimension, which admits an interesting action by the group of orientation-preserving diffeomorphisms on unit circle. In this talk, we exhibit invariant pre-symplectic forms on the infinite-dimensional manifold and momentum maps related to those forms, which are also involved with the celebrated Gelfand-Fuchs \(2\)-cocycle.

Ramón Barral Lijó (Ritsumeikan Univ.)

Title: Distinguishing colorings

Abstract: We will introduce the concepts or distinguishing and limit distinguishing colorings for graphs, as well as the corresponding indices. We will also present known results and bounds for these indices for different families of graphs.

Jesús Antonio Álvarez López  (Univ. of Santiago de Compostela)

Title: Haefliger’s cohomology and tautness for matchbox manifolds

Abstract: (joint work with Steven Hurder and Hiraku Nozawa) For a compact foliated space \(\mathfrak M\) of dimension \(p\), we introduce a cochain complex which combines the de~Rham complex along the leaves and the Alexander-Spanier complex in the transverse direction. This complex also has a filtration by differential spaces, giving rise to a version of the Leray spectral sequence \((E_k^{u,v},d_k)\) for \(\mathfrak M\). The part \(E_2^{\cdot,p}\) is a version of the Haefliger cohomology for \(\mathfrak M\), which can be used to characterize a version of tautness like in the case of foliations on compact manifolds. In particular, all matchbox manifolds are taut in our sense.

Subaru Nomoto (Ritsumeikan Univ.)

Title: Some hierarchy in frames on curves on 4-dimensional Euclidean space

Abstract: Bishop introduced a frame on space curves different from the well known Frenet frame. It is characteristic that any regular space curve admit this frame. For curves on R^4, there are four different type of Bishop type frames including the Frenet frame and the Bishop frame. In this talk, we discuss the relation between these four types of frames from the viewpoints of geometric structures on normal bundle f curves and ordinary differential equations.

Ryuma Orita (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.)

Title: Rigid fibers of spinning tops

Abstract: In the talk, we deal with fibers of classical Liouville integrable systems containing the Lagrangian top and the Kovalevskaya top. Especially, we find a non-displaceable fiber for each of them. To prove these results, we use the notion of superheaviness introduced by Entov and Polterovich. This is a joint work with Morimichi Kawasaki (RIMS).

Olga Lukina  (Univ. of Vienna)

Title: Cantor actions and Galois groups

Abstract: In this talk, we consider applications of dynamical invariants for Cantor group actions in Number theory, namely for the study of a certain type of representations of absolute Galois groups of number and function fields.

Ramón Barral Lijó (Ritsumeikan Univ.)

Title: Breaking symmetry

Abstract: We will contextualize the previous talk in the setting of the Gromov space of graphs, and will present some applications to other areas of mathematics.

Naoki Kato (Chukyo Univ.)

Title: Turbulizations of transversely affine foliations of codimension two

Abstract: In 1980, Seke gave a condition for turbulized foliations of codimension one transversely affine foliations to have transverse affine structures again. Recently, Mitsumatsu and Vogt defined the notion of turbulizations for higher codimensional foliations. In this talk, we give a condition for turbulized foliations of codimension two transversely affine foliations to have transverse affine structures again.

Noboru Ito (Univ. of Tokyo)

Title: A categorified Vassiliev skein relation on Khovanov homology

Abstract: This is a joint work with Jun Yoshida (The University of Tokyo). In this talk, we define a chain map that categorifies the operation “crossing change” on Khovanov homology using a canonical short exact sequence of a mapping cone at each crossing of a link diagram. The chain map is invariant under moves of singular knots. By the setting, taking graded Euler characteristics, a Vassiliev skein relation for a Jones polynomial is recovered.

Norihisa Takahashi  (Ritsumeikan Univ.)

Title: Dehn twist presentations of hyperelliptic periodic maps

Abstract: Ishizaka classified up to conjugation hyperelliptic periodic diffeomorphisms of surfaces and gave Dehn twist presentations in terms of Humphries generators. In this talk, we will give an explicit decomposition of surfaces into pentagonal fundamental domains of hyperelliptic periodic diffeomorphisms. As an application, we obtain the Dehn twist presentations of hyperelliptic periodic mapping classes, which are closely related to the ones obtained by Ishizaka.

Olga Lukina  (Univ. of Vienna)

Title: Stabilizers of points for Cantor group actions

Abstract: We study properties of stabilizers of points for Cantor group actions, such as the number of distinct stabilizers of points without holonomy, and the genericity of points with non-trivial holonomy in a measure-theoretical sense. We then apply our results to study the properties of invariant random subgroups, defined by such action. Joint work with Maik Groeger.

Tetsuya Abe (Ritsumeikan Univ.)

Title: On annulus presentations of knots

Abstract: In 2013, Jong, Omae, Takeuchi and I introduced the notion of annulus presentations of knots. In this talk, we discuss the following topics:

1. Why we are interested in annulus presentations of knots.
2. An obstruction to knots admitting annulus presentations in terms of the Jones polynomial.
3. Table of knots which admit annulus presentations up to 8 crossings.

This is joint work with Keiji Tagami. Note that Gen Suzuki (who is a student of Ritsumeikan University) partially made the table of knots which admit annulus presentations up to 8 crossings.

Jesús Antonio Álvarez López  (Univ. of Santiago de Compostela)

Title: A distributional trace formula for foliated flows

Abstract: Let \(\mathcal F\) be a smooth codimension one foliation on a compact manifold \(M\). A flow \(\phi^t\) on \(M\) is said to be foliated if it maps leaves to leaves. If moreover the closed orbits and preserved leaves are simple, then there are finitely many preserved leaves, which are compact, forming a compact subset \(M^0\), and a precise description of the transverse structure of \(\mathcal F\) can be given. A version of the reduced leafwise cohomology, \(\overline{H}I(\mathcal F)\), is defined by using distributional leafwise differential forms conormal to \(M^0\). The talk will be about our progress to define distributional traces of the induced action of \(\phi^t\) on \(\overline{H}^rI(\mathcal F)\), for every degree \(r\), and to prove a corresponding Lefschetz trace formula involving the closed orbits and leaves preserved by \(\phi^t\). The formula also involves a distributional version of the \(\eta\)-invariant of \(M^0\), which might be zero. This kind of distributional trace formula was conjectured by Christopher Deninger, and it was proved by the first two authors when \(M^0=\emptyset\).

End of this page.

2019年10月15日(火) ワークショップ

2019.09.26 Thu up
”Ritsumeikan One Day Workshop on Probability and Statistics”
日時:2019年10月15日(火) 11:00~18:00
場所:立命館大学びわこくさつキャンパス ウエストウイング6階 談話会室

2019年5月25日(土)・26日(日) 研究集会「幾何学と力学とその応用」

2019.05.05 Sun up
(Geometry, Mechanics, and their Applications)

日時:     2019年5月25日(土)10:00~26日(日)17:00

場所:     立命館大学びわこ・くさつキャンパス
             ウェストウィング 6階談話会室

世話人: 上野嘉夫(京都薬科大学),佐藤寛之(京都大学),多羅間大輔(立命館大学),中村佳正(京都大学),吉村浩明(早稲田大学)

連絡先: 多羅間大輔 (e-mail: dtarama[at]fc.ritsumei.ac.jp)
