
Prob & Math-Fi seminar on 25 July

2024.07.24 Wed up
  • Date: 25 July (Thu.)
  • Place: W.W. 6th-floor, Colloquium Room and on the Web (Zoom)
  • Time: 15:30 – 18:30
  • Speaker 1: Daiki Tagami (Oxford University), 15:30-17:00
  • Title 1: tstrait: a quantitative trait simulator for ancestral recombination graphs
  • Abstract 1:
  • Ancestral recombination graphs (ARGs) encode the ensemble of correlated genealogical trees arising from recombination in a compact and efficient structure, and are of fundamental importance in population and statistical genetics. Recent breakthroughs have made it possible to simulate and infer ARGs at biobank scale, and there is now intense interest in using ARG-based methods across a broad range of applications, particularly in genome-wide association studies (GWAS). Sophisticated methods exist to simulate ARGs using population genetics models, but there is currently no software to simulate quantitative traits directly from these ARGs. To apply existing quantitative trait simulators users must export genotype data, losing important information about ancestral processes and producing prohibitively large files when applied to the biobank-scale datasets currently of interest in GWAS. We present tstrait, an open-source Python library to simulate quantitative traits on ARGs, and show how this user-friendly software can quickly simulate phenotypes for biobank-scale datasets on a laptop computer.
  • Speaker 2: Hau-Tieng Wu (NYU Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences), 17:00-18:30
  • Title 2: Statistical Inference for Nonstationary Time Series via Phase-Driven Time-Frequency Analysis
  • Abstract 2:
  • Real-world time series are typically nonstationary and consist of multiple oscillatory components exhibiting complex statistical characteristics such as time-varying amplitude, frequency, and non-sinusoidal patterns. Signal quality is often compromised by intricate noise or artifacts. I will discuss recent advancements in addressing such time series using phase-driven nonlinear time-frequency analysis, highlighting recent statistical inference outcomes. Additionally, biomedical applications and unresolved mathematical challenges will be illustrated

Math-Fi seminar on 18 Jul. (Co-organized as a Quantum Walk Seminar)

2024.07.13 Sat up
  • 日時 :2024年7月18日(木)16:30 〜 18:00  
  • 場所 :立命館大学BKCウエストウイング6階数理科学科談話会室&ZOOM
  • 講演者 : 和田 和幸 氏(北海道教育大学 旭川校)
  • 講演題目   : 量子ウォークの離散固有値に付随する固有関数の指数減衰性
  • 講演要旨  :
         シュレディンガー作用素の文脈では,無限遠方への指数減衰性は固有関数が持つ典型的な特徴の1つ           であると考えられている.
         1次元量子ウォークでは転送行列を用いる事で,直接固有ベクトルの無限遠方での挙動を見る事がで           きる(黄海-齋藤, 2021, QIPなど).
         この結果は,布田-船川-鈴木による多次元量子ウォークの結果(2017, QIP)に応用可能である.

Math-Fi seminar on 11 July

2024.07.09 Tue up
  • Date: 11 July (Thu.)
  • Place: W.W. 6th-floor, Colloquium Room and on the Web (Zoom)
  • Time: 16:30 – 18:00

  • Speaker : Anna Aksamit(Usydney)    
  • Title: Introduction to robust finance Ⅲ
  • Abstract: 
  •  In this short course we present robust approach to pricing and hedging. The aim is to find bounds on the prices of exotic derivatives in terms of the (market) prices of call options. We do not make any explicit assumptions about the dynamics of the price process of the underlying asset. We deduct information about the distribution of asset prices from the call prices. The obtained bounds are robust with respect to model assumptions. We will present pricing and hedging of some specific payoffs, as well as, duality for more general class of payoffs

Math-Fi seminar on 4 July

2024.07.04 Thu up
  • Date: 4 July (Thu.)
  • Place: W.W. 6th-floor, Colloquium Room and on the Web (Zoom)
  • Time: 16:30 – 18:00

  • Speaker : Anna Aksamit(Usydney)    
  • Title: Introduction to robust finance Ⅱ
  • Abstract: 
 In this short course we present robust approach to pricing and hedging. The aim is to find bounds on the prices of exotic derivatives in terms of the (market) prices of call options. We do not make any explicit assumptions about the dynamics of the price process of the underlying asset. We deduct information about the distribution of asset prices from the call prices. The obtained bounds are robust with respect to model assumptions. We will present pricing and hedging of some specific payoffs, as well as, duality for more general class of payoffs

Math-Fi seminar on 27 Jun.

2024.06.26 Wed up
  • Date: 27 Jun. (Thu.)
  • Place: W.W. 6th-floor, Colloquium Room and on the Web (Zoom)
  • Time: 16:30 – 18:30

  • Speaker 1: Anna Aksamit(Usydney)    16:30-17:30
  • Title: Introduction to robust finance I
  • Abstract: 
In this short course we present robust approach to pricing and hedging. The aim is to find bounds on the prices of exotic derivatives in terms of the (market) prices of call options. We do not make any explicit assumptions about the dynamics of the price process of the underlying asset. We deduct information about the distribution of asset prices from the call prices. The obtained bounds are robust with respect to model assumptions. We will present pricing and hedging of some specific payoffs, as well as, duality for more general class of payoffs.
  • Speaker 2: Hoang Vu (UC Santa Barbara)    17:30-18:30
  • Title : Heterogenous Macro-Finance Model: A Mean-field Game Approach
  • Abstract: 
We investigate the capital allocation and wealth distribution of heterogeneous agents in the economy during booms and busts using tools from mean-field games. Two groups in our models, namely the expert and the household, are interconnected within and between their classes through the law of capital processes and are bound by financial constraints. Such mean-field interaction explains why experts accumulate lots of capital in the good times and reverse their behavior quickly in the bad times even in the absence of aggregate macro shocks.
When the common noises from the market get involved, the financial friction amplifies the mean-field effect and leads to experts’ capital fire sales. Moreover, the implicit interlink between and within heterogeneous groups demonstrates the slow economic recovery and characterizes the deviating and FOMO behaviors of the households in comparison to their counterparts. Our model also gives a fairly explicit representation of the equilibrium solution without exploiting complicated numerical approaches.
Keywords: Macro-Finance Model, Mean-field Games, Heterogeneity, Financial Friction

Math-Fi seminar on 20 Jun (Co-organized as a Quantum Walk Seminar)

2024.06.19 Wed up
  • 日時:2024年6月20日(木)16:30 〜 18:30  
  • 場所:立命館大学BKCウエストウイング6階数理科学科談話会室&ZOOM
  • 講演者: 釣井達也(東京情報大学)
  • 講演題目: 発展行列から得られる群構造を用いたGrover walk の周期性に関する研究
  • 講演要旨: 
量子ウォークの周期に関する問題は, 様々な場合において考察がなされている. それらの結果の一つとして, $n$が$1$より大きい正の整数のとき, 頂点数$n$のループ付き完全グラフ上のGrover Walk は周期$2n$を持つことが知られている. このことを証明する際に用いた方法は, 発展行列$U$の固有値に着目する方法であった. 本講演では, 発展行列$U$から得られる群構造に着目して, 頂点数$n$のループ付き完全グラフ上の Grover Walk の周期を求める方法について述べる.その後, すでに知られている結果に対して, 上記の方法がどの程度有用であるかを考察する.

Math-Fi seminar on 13 Jun.

2024.06.12 Wed up
  • 日時:2024年6月13日(木)16:30 〜 17:30
  • 場所:立命館大学BKCウエストウイング6階数理科学科談話会室&ZOOM
  • 講演者:田中章博(三井住友銀行)
  • 講演題目 : Weak approximation for a Black-Scholes type regime switching model
  • 講演要旨 :
​レジームスイッチ型のブラックショールズモデルに対するヨーロピアンタイプのオプションのモンテカルロシミュレーション方法を提案する. プロセスが分割区間の境界点から離れる場合にはオイラースキームを、プロセスが分割区間の境界点付近にある場合にはスキューブラウン運動を組み合わせた近似方法を提案し、弱近似誤差が指数関数的に小さくなることを示し、いくつかのシミュレーション結果を示す。

Math-Fi seminar on 6 Jun (Co-organized as a Quantum Walk Seminar)

2024.06.05 Wed up
  • 日時 :2024年6月6日(木)16:30 〜 18:30  
  • 場所 :立命館大学BKCウエストウイング6階数理科学科談話会室&ZOOM
  • 講演者1 : 町田拓也 (日本大学生産工学部)  16:30-17:30
  • 講演題目1   :  量子ウォークの長時間極限分布からわかる量子ウォークの奇妙な性質
  • 講演要旨1   :
数学における量子ウォークの研究目標の1つは、長時間極限定理の導出である。長時間時間発展後のウォーカーの空間分布を漸近的に記述する長時間極限分布は、量子ウォークの性質を明らかにするために必要とされている。本講演では、1次元量子ウォークの極限分布を通じて、量子ウォークの興味深い性質を紹介する。講演内容は、Machida and Konno [1]、Grunbaum and Machida [2]、Machida [3]に基づく。
[1] Takuya Machida, Norio Konno, “Limit theorem for a time-dependent coined quantum walk on the line”, F. Peper et al. (Eds.): IWNC 2009, Proceedings in Information and Communications Technology, Vol.2, pp.226-235 (2010).
[2] F. Alberto Grunbaum, Takuya Machida, “A limit theorem for a 3-period time-dependent quantum walk”, Quantum Information and Computation, Vol.15 No.1&2, pp.50-60 (2015).
[3] Takuya Machida, “Limit distribution of a continuous-time quantum walk with a spatially 2-periodic Hamiltonian”, Quantum Information Processing,Vol.22, 332 (2023).
  • 講演者2     : 鈴木章斗 (公立小松大学) 17:30-18:30
  • 講演題目2   :  Dynamics of Non-Unitary Quantum Walks
  • 講演要旨2   :  
In this presentation, we define the dynamics of quantum walks interacting with the environment as a quantum statistical mechanical model and examine its dynamics.


2024.05.30 Thu up
日時: 2024年6月10日(月)17:00~18:30
タイトル: 等質空間上の調和指数型分布族
講演者:  東條 広一 氏(理化学研究所 革新知能統合研究センター)

[TY22] K. Tojo, T. Yoshino, A method to construct exponential families by representation theory, Info. Geo. 5, 493-510 (2022)

開催方法: 立命館大学びわこ・くさつキャンパス,ウェストウィング6階談話会室での対面開催.講演の模様をZoomミーティングで配信する予定です.オンライン参加を希望の方は以下の申込フォームより6月9日(日)までにお申し込みください:




2024.05.30 Thu up
日時: 2024年6月3日(月)
講演者:米原修平氏 (大阪大学)