
2016年6月23日(木) 談話会

2016.06.17 Fri up

日時: 6月23日(木) 
場所: 立命館大学 BKC ウエストウイング6階 談話会室
時間: 17:30 — 18:30
演者: Mouez Dimassi 氏(ボルドー大学・立命館大学)

講演題目: Semiclassical Trace Formula for Systems of h-Pseudodifferential Operators and Application to the Spectral Shift Function

アブストラクト: In this talk we give a microlocal trace formula for a system of h-pseudodiifferential operators.
We apply this trace formula to the asymptotic of the counting function of the number of eigenvalues and to the asymptotics of the spectral shift function of the semiclassical Schrödinger operator with matrix valued potential.
Our proofs are based  on a time independent method.

This a joint work with S. Fujiié  and M. Assal.
