

2021.11.15 Mon up

日時:2021年11月29日(月) 16:30~17:30

タイトル:Obstructions to integrability of nearly integrable dynamical systems near regular level sets

講演者:本永 翔也 (京都大学大学院情報学研究科)

We consider analytical, nearly integrable systems which may be non-Hamiltonian, and discuss their nonintegrability in the non-Hamiltonian sense. We give a sufficient condition for them to be analytically nonintegrable such that the commutative vector fields and first integrals depend on the perturbation parameter analytically. This improves the previous results of Poincaré and Kozlov. We apply our result to time-periodic perturbations of single-degree-of-freedom systems and discuss a relationship of our result with the subharmonic and homoclinic Melnikov methods. This is joint work with Kazuyuki Yagasaki (Kyoto University).


問い合わせ先:立命館大学理工学部数理科学科 多羅間 大輔
