

2023.04.24 Mon up
日時:2023年5月8日(月) 17:00~18:00
講演者:大澤知己 (The University of Texas at Dallas)
題目:Hamiltonian Dynamics of Gaussian Wave Packets and Approximation of Semiclassical Expectation Values
I will talk about the Hamiltonian formulation of Gaussian wave packets as an approximation to expectation value dynamics of the semiclassical Schrödinger equation with a Gaussian as the initial condition. Specifically, we formulate the Hamiltonian dynamics of the Gaussian wave packet using the symplectic structures behind the Schrödinger equation and the Siegel upper half space. It results in a correction term to the conventional formulation using the classical Hamiltonian system by Hagedorn and others. The main result is a proof that our formulation gives, under certain conditions on the potential function, a higher-order approximation than the classical formulation does to the dynamics of the expectation values of the position and momentum.

開催方法: ハイブリッド開催(立命館大学びわこ・くさつキャンパスウェストウィング6 階談話会室での対面開催及びZoom ミーティングによる配信)を予定.Zoom 参加の場合,下記のURL より5 月7 日(日)までにご登録ください.当日お昼ごろまでに,Zoom ミーティングのURL 等をお知らせいたします.



問い合わせ先:立命館大学理工学部数理科学科 多羅間 大輔
