
2015年4月23日(木) 談話会

2015.04.15 Wed up
日時: 2015年4月23日(木) 
場所: 立命館大学 BKCキャンパス フォレストハウス1階 F109

時間:16:30 — 17:10
講演者:Seung-Hyeok Kye氏(ソウル国立大学)
講演題目:Positive bi-linear maps as tri-partite entanglement witnesses
アブストラクト:We introduce various notions of positivity for bi-linear maps in operator systems. They are witnesses for various notions of tri-partite entanglement when the domains and ranges are matrix algebras. We present concrete examples of witnesses for three qubit entanglement.

時間:17:20 — 18:00
講演者:内海 和樹氏(立命館大学)
講演題目:Classification problems of Jacobian fibrations on K3 surfaces
アブストラクト:Jacobian fibrations on K3 surfaces can be regarded as elliptic curves over the rational function field. We introduce classification problems and their answers for some K3 surfaces.
