

2015.07.15 Wed up

講演者:Gaël Meigniez(南ブルターニュ大学)
タイトル:h-principles and foliations
日時: 7月24日(金)16:30-18:00
場所: びわこ・くさつキャンパス ウェストウィング7階 数学第1研究室
アブストラクト:(collaboration with Francois Laudenbach)
Gromov’s h-principle is a collection of powerful tools to build geometric objects, by deformation of a formal data whose existence is easy to decide. This talk will introduce a new approach to the h-principle, in two steps. From the formal data, the first step builds a Haefliger Gamma-structure (singular foliation) of codimension zero with the desired transverse geometry. This step works, for several interesting geometries, on all manifolds, even closed (I shall treat the example of contact geometry). The second step regularizes the Gamma-structure; it consists essentially in a simple adaptation of Thurston’s inflation method; it works for all geometries, but only on open manifolds. We use a special subdivision of the simplex, due to Thom.
