
数理科学科談話会 (2017/11/16)

2017.11.08 Wed up
日時: 2017年11月16日(木) 16:30~17:30

場所: 立命館大学びわこ・くさつキャンパス(BKC)

タイトル: The geometry of a phantom circle

講演者: 夏目利一 (名古屋工業大学名誉教授)

This is an attempt to apply noncommutative geometry to study “singular spaces” like fractals.
In the first half I will explain what is noncommutative geometry, what is the philosophy behind it, what are basic tools.
In the second half I will present recent work with H. Moriyoshi of Nagoya University. The algebra of continuous functions on the Cantor ternary set contains the algebra A of continuous functions on the circle. The algebra A is called a phantom circle. I will explain why this is called a phantom circle. Noncommutative geometry is applied to detect this phantom hiding behind the Cantor set.
